For creatives needing a graphic library or teachers introducing programming, choose p5.js for its focus on visual design and user-friendly interface. Game developers, especially beginners, should opt for Phaser, renowned for its myriad examples, active community, and comprehensive resources.

Differences of p5.js and Phaser

Key Differences Between p5.js and Phaser

  • p5.js emphasizes visual design and teaching, whereas Phaser is a full-featured game development framework.
  • p5.js supports Java, GLSL, JavaScript and HTML while Phaser utilizes JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • p5.js was initiated at MIT Media Lab, while Phaser was created by Richard Davey.
  • Phaser allows game deployability to iOS, Android, and native desktop apps, while p5.js doesn’t explicitly support these.
Initial Release2001April 2013
Development LanguageJava, GLSL, JavaScriptJavaScript, TypeScript
PlatformCross-platformDesktop, mobile via HTML5
LicenseGPL, LGPLMIT License
UsabilityVisual design, teaching non-programmers2D game development
Rendering2D,3D content via HTML canvas elementCanvas, WebGL depending on browser support
Simulations and InteractionsInteractive art and simulations via P5PyInteractive games with keyboard and mouse input
Physics supportLimitedArcade Physics, Ninja Physics, P2.JS
Limited to browsers supportingFirefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari, ChromeAny browser supporting canvas element
Learning resourcesProcessing IDE1800+ examples, Phaser Mini-Degree

What Is p5.js and Who’s It For?

p5.js, a JavaScript library derived from the Processing development environemnt, is a tool aiding in visual design and the teaching of programming to non-programmers within a visual context. Initiated at MIT Media Lab in 2001 by Casey Reas and Ben Fry, it became the Processing Foundation in 2012. The Foundation, a nonprofit advocating for software literacy within the visual arts, expanded to include Daniel Shiffman and Johanna Hedva.

p5.js suits those interested in exploring visual arts through computer programming, or educators teaching programming. Its user-friendly interface and simplified graphical interface make it a preferred choice for non-programmers and beginners.

Flowchart of p5.js programming application

Pros of p5.js

  • User-friendly interface for non-programmers
  • Clear visual context for teaching programming
  • Strong community support and regular meetups

Cons of p5.js

  • Limited to Java language
  • Not suited for complex software development
  • Replacement of Processing.js leading to an obsolete JavaScript port

What Is Phaser and Who’s It For?

Phaser is a versatile 2D game framework, launched in April 2013 by Richard Davey. Written in JavaScript and TypeScript, it’s designed for creating HTML5 games for desktop and mobile devices. Built on Canvas and WebGL renderer, it seamlessly switches between them based on browser compatibility. Different versions of Phaser cater to various development needs.

Phaser is intended for aspiring game developers and coders, offering over 1800 examples and active community support. Its adaptability ranges from web games, Facebook Instant Games to Android games.

A silhouette of a coder working on game development using Phaser

Pros of Phaser

  • Comprehensive learning resources
  • Adaptable for a variety of game platforms
  • Active community support and ongoing development

Cons of Phaser

  • Dependent on browser support for Canvas
  • Transitional stages between versions can be challenging
  • Additional tools like Apache Cordova, PhoneGap needed for deployment to iOS, Android and native desktop

p5.js vs Phaser: Pricing

Both p5.js and Phaser are open-source technologies offered at no cost.


The p5.js technology operates under a GNU Lesser General Public License for Libraries and a GNU General Public license for IDE. This means that the technology is free to use and open-source, allowing users to freely modify and distribute the software. It encourages contribution to community-driven development without any pricing constraints.


Phaser is an open-source 2D Game Framework delivered free of charge. It leans on a vibrant developer community contributing to an extensive GitHub repository. You can start developing games using Phaser from the get-go, with zero financial investment. It champions the democratization of game development by offering free, scaffolded learning resources.

Code Examples for p5.js & Phaser


This code uses p5.js to draw an animated, swirling star pattern. The stars change color over time, creating a colourful spectacle.

let angle = 0;function setup() {createCanvas(400, 400);angleMode(DEGREES);}function draw() {background(0);translate(width / 2, height / 2);rotate(angle);noFill();strokeWeight(4);for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 45) {beginShape();for (let j = 0; j < 360; j += 45) {let rad = j * (1 + cos(i + angle));let x = rad * cos(j);let y = rad * sin(j);vertex(x, y);stroke(i, j, angle {66f7997927a862c9f57ec7dffc6a2fe6d405caee7001dff533b976d48fe118b1} 255);}endShape(CLOSE);}angle++;


This Phaser snippet creates a bouncing ball that changes color each time it hits a wall. Requires Phaser 3.

var config = {type: Phaser.AUTO,width: 800,height: 600,physics: {default: 'arcade',arcade: {gravity: {y: 200}}},scene: {preload: preload,create: create}};var game = new Phaser.Game(config);function preload (){this.load.setBaseURL('');this.load.image('ball', 'assets/sprites/shinyball.png');}function create (){var ball = this.physics.add.image(400, 100, 'ball').setInteractive();ball.setVelocity(100, 200).setBounce(1, 1).setCollideWorldBounds(true).on('worldbounds', function() {ball.setTint(Math.random() * 0xffffff);}, this);}

The Great Debate Resolved: p5.js or Phaser?

The technology choice rides on a tightrope of performance and usability. Let’s dissect it for different genres of users.

1. Visual Art Creators and Non-programmers

p5.js is a godsend to this clan. Boasting its roots in Processing, it’s designed to simplify code and stimulate creativity. Its GUI and digital art-friendly tools are bound to captivate.

  • Easy beginner fare
  • Focus on visual programming

visual designer sketching digital art concept on a large, curved monitor

2. Hardcore Coders

Nerding out on intricate code? Phaser is your calling. It flexes power with its custom WebGL renderer and modular structure. Phaser’s capabilities outstrip p5.js where complex game dev is on the table.

  1. Ship HTML5 games for all platforms
  2. Multifaceted physics systems and sound playback

programmer against triple monitor setup, entranced in lines of complex code

3. Mobile Game Devs

Leaning towards mobile? Here, Phaser wins again. Compatible with Apache Cordova and PhoneGap for native desktop and mobile app creation. Phaser: mobile’s BFF.

  • Compatible with any canvas-supporting browser
  • Easy deployment for both iOS and Android

young developer testing newly created mobile game on multiple devices

In a nutshell: p5.js centers on visual design, education, and simplicity. Phaser, on the other hand, thrives on complex game creation, with a broader range of tools and physics engines. Make your choice.